Monday, January 11, 2010

1/10/11 - Vintage Jay

I think Sundays are going to be "Vintage Jay Days" because I miss my little squishy guy.

Scenes from the hospital.....

Last belly shot - 39 weeks exactly in the hospital.

Brushing my teeth right before I started to push....

Moments after birth! No cheese, cried a little, then just snuggled.

7 pounds 2 oz, 20 1/4 inches long. Born at 530 am on April 15, 2009!

The first picture of our new family!

Hanging out in the nursery trying to get his temp to stay up. This is exactly how his daddy sleeps, and how Jay sleeps to this day if he is on his back.


  1. Thanks! I don't know how "vintage" 9 month old pictures can be, but I liked it :)

  2. Great minds think alike! I am having a "throwback" day because, frankly, I couldnt even function all day yesterday from working all night.
