Friday, January 8, 2010

1/8/10 - Ewwwww, avocado!

Jay and I went out for sushi with his girlfriend Bella and her momma on Wednesday. We had some avocado on one of the rolls, and Jay gobbled it up, even eating it from my chopsticks. He had flat out rejected avocado each time I had offered it before, so I thought this was amazing. I bought one today and chopped it up for his dinner. The results are below....almost as good as Grandma Lou's tequila face! I guess it needs some kind of sauce and to be served on chopsticks for him to like it! (or maybe he was just trying to impress his girlfriend.....)


  1. Love the pictures (all of them)! I haven't tried Bella with avocado. We're dealing with diaper rash, which I don't know if it's from truly teething or that brown rice cereal we just started.

  2. Good boy! Avacado is disgusting!
